Friday, December 21, 2007

Sweater Thursday - worms in sweaters

I know the whole worms in sweaters thing has been overdone, but it all comes around.

Last night I was running my three errands/day (this is not a result of my time management seminar, just that I realized that when I run errands I hate it. If I make more than three different stops I become despondent, which forces me to quit running errands, which sends me home anxious that I didn't get my errands done, which then drives me to drink. My solution, run no more than three errands per day, and just have more days with errands) and while getting gas I saw the sign I had been looking for:

Live Bait

I galloped inside and proudly asked at the counter if they still had the live bait advertised on the sign. I was directed to a small refrigerator on the floor and the last container of nightcrawlers was mine.

After purchasing it, I walked triumphantly out to my car and noticed the label...

It was a worm in a sweater!!!!!!

sorry about the picture being fuzzy... and yes, I paid 2.39 for worms to eat my garbage and live in my house.

for those of you following the worm bin story, here is a picture of the worms after I introduced them to their new home (pulled lid off and dumped on top of dirt) and the bin in it's resting spot:

1 comment:

11frogs said...

Utterly awesome. I'm very excited that Google searches for both "live bait" and "worms in sweaters" will now bring people to your blog. I think you are a) providing free advertising to this particular worm-in-sweaters bait vendor, and b) potentially bringing people together who clearly should know each other.