Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Corpse disposal - my new career

I woke up this morning and knew I had something I had to get done. I put on my current comfortable, work-to-do outfit - hiking boots, some very dirty probably smelly jeans, and oversized hooded sweatshirt (which is also dirty as I discover looking down at myself right now) - and got my plastic bags.
I had to beat the blood thirsty beasts back from the door (actually, just said Back! in a commanding tone and my well behaved dogs backed up as they should have, but we need some additional drama to this story) and went out to take care of business.
Good news: it was a rabbit (I was very very scared that it would turn out to be a cat), and it was frozen solid. If you have an animal body to dispose of, best that it is frozen and crumpled into a small heap as mine was.
Bad news: as I was walking it down stairs double bagged something poked through (sharp thin bone), freaked me out a bit. This required that I put it into the thick plastic ice-melt bag before putting into the garbage and setting the whole thing out on the curb.
Additional good news: it was garbage day.

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