Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How to operate Facebook

For working in the technology industry and being technically part of Gen Y, I am a techo-idiot.
This is well demonstrated by my lack of skill at what my friend Sara called "doing facebook". I joined, but I continue to be slow and idiotic at it.

Specific examples:
  • Joanna zombie bit me or something like this, I failed to properly sign up to be a zombie and she had to remind me. However, I then fought her and won. Then I fought her and lost.
  • People email me to tell me that I am not participating correctly on facebook - that they have written on my wall and that I need to respond or they receive the message that I think they suck.
  • I still can't bring myself to ask people to be my friend. It creeps me out.
To rectify my lack of facebook savvy I have started going there more. let's just say I did it for at least 60 minutes today. I have three scrabble games going, I am now a zombie and I updated my status. I also accepted a new friend. look at me go.

I think I am poorly placed Generation wise. I am neither Gen X or Gen Y since I was born in 1979. I think I should be in my own generation. That should be our next essay topic, define your "generation"

PS - if I don't act properly on facebook don't take it personal. I am inept and not rude.


loud said...

It's Millinials and not Gen Y anymore. I think you are Gen X - born between 1964 and 1980.

Sleep late... dream more. said...

i hear ya on the facebook stuff... i wonder when these networking thing-ys will stop multiplying. I now have (obsolete?) accounts on:
friendster, orkut, myspace, and a few others.... bleh.