Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I have a lack of drunkeness problem

I was bored last night while driving. When I am bored while driving I call people on my cell phone. (the descriptor there on phone wasn't necessary, eh?)
Next week I spend 6 days or so with my mother, so I wasn't going to call her.
My father and I don't have much to say to each other, and I haven't figured out yet when my siblings and I are going down to his house for xmas. So, I didn't call him.
I called Todd.
Talking to Todd has two effects on me typically and last night was no exception:
Realization A: Todd hasn't changed nor done anything new in the last 5 years. He works same job, same people at work, hangs out at same bars, and hasn't acquired a single new hobby/skill or gone anywhere besides the trip I took him on for his 30th birthday.
Realization B: I have completely different interests than I did when he and I lived in the same town.
There is also the ongoing realization that he is an alcoholic.
Anyhow, the conversation went something like this:
I talk about my work a bit, I talk about my friends and recent parties and events, I talk about upcoming trips/weddings/events.
I ask Todd about what is up with him. Here is what he says:
  • Work is the same. I got a new girl to replace the one they fired and I can't really train her because I am so busy.
  • I am going home to Georgia for two weeks.
  • Saturday night I got into a fight. it was snowing, and a guy threw a tire iron at my head, but it bounced off and knocked out another guy's tooth.
  • I ask - oh, what was the fight about?
  • Well, I guess that the guy was dating my friend until Sat night.
  • I say - oh, and now you are dating her?
  • No, we are just friends.
and this is the completion of the conversation. except that I invited him to the Mardi Gras 09 New Orleans trip and he is in.

When I started this post, I felt like the problem was me. That I don't have enough drunken escapades anymore. But, while I do think my current friends aren't getting wildly drunk with me and this means I don't have crazy adventures while drunk, I don't think that having these would result in Todd and I being closer. To accomplish this, he needs to get a more varied and interesting life. I just don't find the run down of bars he went to last night interesting anymore.

1 comment:

loud said...

I promise to be drunk at mardi gras 2009. However, I'd really love it if our drunken escapades didn't involve fights (they can involve lots of shotgunning though).