Monday, November 5, 2007


The first snow of the year! This picture taken outside of my office window, and the snow was fleeting. Nevertheless I am very excited that I captured the exact moment that snow joined us this season.
I am tired and ready for the rest that winter brings.
except that I have stuff to do outside and I should have gotten more of it done yesterday when it was nice. darn.
oh! and my starter worms are going to freeze to death! I must go home early and save them.


Jobonga said...

I like snow, too! So why the hell won't you friend me on facebook? Am I too pushy or do you just not like me?

KittyWithClaws said...

I'm so happy you captured this moment! One of my customers called me so I had to be on the phone instead of witnessing it. But seeing as we work in the same building, having that picture is the second best thing to actually seeing it yesterday :)