Friday, November 9, 2007

Disturbing Halloween Scene

This was an old post that I just found in my unpublished section. Better late than never.

from Halloween night:
I just walked my mother's garbage to the curb. I saw the most disturbing thing.

First, I must tell you that my mother lives in one of those developments, with cul-de-sacs, and community organizations and rules. The houses are all pretty much alike and all the trees are the same age/size.

Anyhow, there was line of SUVs and then groups of kids running to the house across the street and then back to their SUV, which then drove to the next house with a light on.

I remember my dad driving us around one Halloween, but he lived out in the country and it was miles and miles between houses with lights on. This is the only acceptable excuse in my opinion for driving your child from house to house. Perhaps, if you are forced to trick or treat in a bad neighborhood, and only wanted to go to houses of people you knew, this would be okay by me too.
Neither of these were the case in my mother's neighborhood and I found the SUV line to be the scariest sight of the entire evening.


Alex said...

This is all just a symptom of the unfortunate "wuss-inization" of the US. I blame Oprah and Dr. Phil.

loud said...

I'm appauled. We should start an organization against such outrageous behavior and protest next year in your mother's neighborhood with signs. We should also go around to all the houses the night before with flyers asking home owners not to pass out candy to kids who don't walk.

KittyWithClaws said...

That is terrible. We always walked. I mean, c'mon - we were going to be gorging on candy for the next 2 weeks!

Sleep late... dream more. said...

Witte repartee will be appalled when she sees how Loud spelled "appauled" ;-p

I've seen this done acceptably when...
A) it's blizzarding
B) it's pouring rain
C) you drive from one *neighborhood* to the next. park. walk around and then drive a couple miles farther down.

loud said...

Yeah, comints nead spel chekar.