Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Coffee Cup Search -trying to tell me something?

This is a story with a somewhat sad ending. First, you need to know that my company provides all the coffee you want (good coffee to boot), but you must bring your own cup.
About two weeks ago I was going to do a blog post about all the coffee mugs that have accumulated in my office:
As a result of taking this picture and thinking about writing that post, I must have taken all of the mugs home. I know this because I went into my office and found myself without a single mug to use. egads!
Being both a caffeine addict and forgetful, I have done this before. Therefore I know that sometimes people leave mugs in the breakrooms, and if I just wash the mug and then return it when I am done no one will be the wiser. This is how I got my favorite mug, but without the return of the mug. (karmatic post script to that story, I have since lost that mug. Every day is a little empty without it.)
So, I peruse the breakrooms. nothing. not even a ceramic mug.
Then, I remember that I often leave mugs in the meeting/conference rooms, so I check a few of those. nada.
As my desperation was growing I thought to myself... wonder if someone has one that I could just borrow for the day? What a great idea! - except as I wandered about the cubeland, I realized some things:
1) I don't know any of these people
2) that girl in the cube by the boy who I think is cute's office is very blonde, very cute, and looks very 21. I hope he hasn't noticed any of these things...
3) I don't have any friends. Even the people who I know, aren't close enough to share their coffee mugs with me.
This puts me into a melancholy mood (enhanced by the lack of coffee in my system at this point) and I return to my office to take my nalgene bottle, fill it with coffee and then use a wax paper cup to relay between nalgene and my mouth. all of this was far less than a pleasing experience.
plus that cute blonde girl keeps popping up in my mind. gnrr.

1 comment:

KittyWithClaws said...

Awww I could have lent you something!