Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Borat - movie review

Last night (I have been in a weird funk all week) I watched the Borat movie. I realize that I am a year behind, but I don't watch movies, so the fact that I saw it at all is pretty good.
here are my thoughts, because I am sure you really give a crap what I think about a movie released a year ago.
1) more nudity and ass-face contact than I expected.
2) the frat boys - did everyone get the crazy sense that they knew those guys in college? How many of those kinds of boys are out there? scary.
3) the rodeo and the frat boys - I heard an interview with Sacha on NPR (which I told 11 Frogs does not count as uncool if you live in Madison, WI - and honestly I am a bit on the fence about the NYT. Although W's love for the crosswords, reading every Time magazine sent to him when he gets behind, and the fact that he brought at least two copies of the NYT with him on a trip and proceeded to carry them with him from car to car to room to car etc all conspire to earn the same number of uncool points as was assigned to the NYT, so it comes out even) back to Sacha on NPR- and I think that Terry Gross assigned a bit too much significance in the interview to the two scenes. Perhaps he did almost get lynched at the rodeo, but I don't know.
4) I am left with questions - how did he not end up in jail? Was Pam Anderson in on it? Where the mortgage bankers in on it?
5) How funny is this info that I found on the Borat Wikipedia entry:
WAPT (Jackson,
) TV news producer Dharma Arthur
states in Newsweek she lost her job as a
result of her booking Borat on a local afternoon news program. At the time of
the appearance, she was unaware of Cohen's act. During an interview with anchor Brad McMullan,
Borat made sexual and scatological references,
kissed McMullan, and later disrupted a live weather report.[32] She said:
"Because of him, my boss lost faith in my abilities and second-guessed
everything I did... I spiralled into depression, and... was released from my
contract... It took me three months to find another job, and now I'm thousands
of dollars in debt and struggling to keep my house out of foreclosure... How
upsetting that a man who leaves so much harm in his path is lauded as a comedic

6) I was disappointed that the Throw the Jew Down the well song wasn't in the movie. Terry referenced this song in her interview and perhaps it was this segment missing from the movie that made me feel like Terry misled me.

Overall, good movie and worth my time. I only wandered out of the room twice, so that was good.


Alex said...

I'm pretty sure that Pam Anderson was in on it - one of the few. Cohen would have probably been killed by her security entourage othewise. Too bad you didn't see it when it came out. W, Tommy, and David snuck a case of beer into the theater - I like! I think I prank called you as Borat the next day at work...

You should check out segments from the show on Youtube. Some of them are better than most of the stuff in the movie. I was most shocked by the Southern aristocratic dinner scene - and that they let him stick around that long.

The Bruno movie (Bruno is another one of Cohen's characters; a gay Austrian reporter who interviews white supremacists in the south) is coming out next summer. Should be good.


KittyWithClaws said...

I love the comment by the chick who supposedly lost her job over him. That's hilariously naive!