Friday, August 17, 2007

What was your TBB?

I caught this in a blog post I was reading elsewhere:

And no, I wasn't drinking (thank you very much), this was in my TBB period (Time Before Beer).

Initially I was put out a bit. I mean, those who don't drink beer are usually prissy girls. But, then I thought about my friend Sara. She just recently joined the beer drinking world, timed nicely when she moved to LA, the least beer-y place on earth, from Wisconsin, the most beer-y place on earth.
Then, I thought about my TBB. it was long ago... in the 1990s! I didn't join the BDP (Beer Drinking Public) until my second semester freshman year in college. And, then it was Coors Light. Quickly transitioned to Busch Light - the champion beer of Dubuque since a 30 pack could be obtained for 11.99.
I then "grew up" and developed my beer palate. I like a very hop-y IPA now.
But, on summer vacations I prefer an ice cold refreshing Miller Lite. It takes me back to sunshine and lake water, boating and grilling. Such happy memories.

The TBB is something all of us have (or are still currently in). What is your TBB story?

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