Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Karl Rove

I wrote this post on Sunday, but held it until today.

Doing my favorite Sunday morning thing - drinking coffee and watching Meet the Press. This is made even more enjoyable because it is raining outside, I have candles lit, there is a fire in the fireplace, and my coffee has Baileys in it. I don't think it can get any better than this.

I thought that I would absolutely hate Karl Rove. He is the guest this week on Meet the Press. I don't hate him. I don't want to sleep with him, but I don't want to kill him.

Some of the guests previously on Meet the Press that I have wanted to kill:
Markos Moulitsas
Joe Biden

both Democrats. There have been plenty of Republicans that I have wanted to kill, but I can't remember their names right now.

So, what is it about Karl Rove? Well, he was eloquent, spoke calmly, and his redirection of his answers (not directly answering the questions) was soooo much more subtle than many politicians.

oh, and what is the deal with Fred Thompson? I mean geez, how long can you dance around outside of the race?

point of this post -politics is much more enjoyable with Bailey's in your coffee.

1 comment:

11frogs said...

Y'know, I had hot cocoa when I got home from the corn festival on Saturday and was cold, and I didn't even think to put Bailey's in it. I guess that means either a) I'm not in the mindset for Alcoholic Warm Drinks Season yet or b) I'm slipping.