Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I have been out and about, sick, and just generally heavily medicated. also, I accidentally posted to the WI Roaming blog when I meant to post here. This was unfortunate since I didn't get credit here for a post and yet have no promised quotas to the WI Roaming blog. sort of screwed myself.

Here is what I have been thinking about or been burning me up...
the skinny white girl at the Dayton Marriott didn't recognize me. Meaning, I walked up to her and she asked my name. okay, I told her. Then, she got my keys without any acknowledgement that I had been here before. okay, that is fine too. But then, she really got me, she explained in very slow and deliberate fashion which elevator was closer to my room, that I was on the 6th floor and that is where the concierge level is, as well as the elevator I would want to take if I was going to stop there first and then directions to my room. I just kept my face passive.
I have been at this hotel 59 nights this year. That is out of the 226 days that have passed this year. I would like to point out that this means I sleep in the Dayton Marriott 26% of my nights. all I ask is that if you check me in for my hotel more than 6 of these times you at least recognize that I have been at the hotel before.
Also, my name isn't that usual. In fact, downright unusual. a Google search for my name finds exactly two entries - one outdated college reference and one for my Crazylegs finish (don't look that up please, I didn't finish last, just close, okay). Could my name be a key to remembering me?
My memorability credentials established I search for a reason why I am not remembered by the skinny white girl.
Side Note: This nickname may seem cruel. But this is to distinguish this Marriott employee from the others: awkward laugh girl, skinny black girl, chubby coat waving guy, Rudy Chavez look alike, and haggardy smoker lady - the only person whose name I actually remember is Livetta, the one that takes my room service order. The fact that I don't know their names is not an excuse for skinny white girl's behavior. I don't care if she remembers my name, I just want her to acknowledge that I have been here before and don't need directions to the flippin elevators. If I saw these people at the Dayton mall I would wave and acknowledge them...

Back to why she wouldn't remember me:
all I can think of is that my hair was curly that day, perhaps she didn't recognize me with the curly hair.
Note to self, curly hair should be added to the list for disguise options.

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