Monday, July 30, 2007

Lost my inspiration

I am so sorry about not posting for so long. But, I just lost my mojo last week. I tried unsuccessfully three times to post something else, but it just never came. And on Tuesday it was bitter work talk. No one likes bitter work Lucia. In fact, she isn't even Lucia - she is Bitter, how about Luca. Luca is a bit of a creepy name. Wasn't she the girl who sang that weird early 90's song about an abused woman living upstairs? I could google it and tell you for sure, but what did we do before google/the internet? We just posed these questions and let our friends answer us. Perhaps that is what is wrong with the world now, we don't have to ask others for help, we just google something and we have all the info we need.
That is a nice little string of thoughts, but it does nothing to explain the actual current situation, which is that American children are getting taught less math and science in school and yet the amount to learn has grown exponentially over the past 100 years.
this brings up the things for which I have no patience -
1) People that don't have basic math skills. I am not asking you to understand differential equations people... but, learn how to calculate a 15% tip and the 10% off sale on those shoes.
2) Same thing with science. It is NOT too hard for you to know something about science. In fact, I guess I don't care if you don't know anything already about science except how science works (the scientific method) and have a modicum of curiosity to investigate natural phenomenon.
3) Women that claim they can't/won't do something. For instance, my mother says she won't change a tire.
4) Men that claim they can't/won't do something.
(it is at this point in the list that I struggle to find an example. Scary. Are all the men in my life willing to do anything, and the women are the ones holding tight to the gender stereotypes? Great, that is just great. I need to think more about this one... so, if you have any men in your life that won't do something, then please post that as I am getting a bit discouraged about the state of our society)
5) Anyone that doesn't know even 10% of what is going on in the world - for example, if I asked you what you thought about the commutement of Scooter Libby's sentence, would you have any idea what I was talking about? What about if you were playing a game and you had to get someone to guess the World Trade Center - would you know what city it is even in? What about Bosnia, would you even know the continent?
6) People that don't get their pets fixed. Not that I really know anyone specific, but still.

So, that portion was a bit negative. I want to end this on a positive note - Here is a funny story about a coworker:
At a very, very early customer's install meeting we were wearing business professional and hurrying to a meeting with them in one of the hospitals. We are click clacking down the hallway and a middle aged woman pokes her head out and watches the crowd of 20 somethings hurrying down the hallway towards her. As we near she says, “Are you medical students?” to which my coworker replies, without breaking stride, “No, we are young professionals” and we just continue down the hall at a brisk pace.

This was a long random post, but I have more coming, some with pictures. So, just hang on and I will get back into the swing of things!

1 comment:

tess said...

Men who won't:

1) Wear any color that might even remotely be mistaken as feminine.

2) Accompany a woman clothes shopping, even when the clothes shopping is for him.



I know you don't know me, but I felt compelled.