Sunday, October 21, 2007

Essay of the week: Who are my people?

Funny that I use the phrase an awful lot: "these are not my people" or "these are my people", but when I thought about this essay (assigned by 11Frogs), I wasn't sure who my people were.

I told Rick about this essay and my contemplations: are my people like my family? my friends? just people I like to be around? the people I grew up around? the people I feel most comfortable to be around?

Rick's response was, of course, very sensible (the most annoying thing about him, in my opinion, is how consistently sensible he is) - it will be a higher level... if you take a look at all of those groups you will find consistencies and then there will be your people.

However, I started to write what each group was like and I got bored. so, let's just make this up:
My people are the people that I feel most comfortable around.
their characteristics:
1) did not got to Ivy League schools. in fact, in general they did not accomplish anything greater than what I have accomplished.
2) they embrace whatever they actually like to do - if it is watching NASCAR, if it is singing karaoke, whatever, they do it with gusto.
3) they have some sort of sense of place - where are we at, why am I here and what do I do to be a part of it.
4) they have a libertarian bent - don't tell me what to do

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