Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I was waiting for R to get ready one night. and found that my kitchen food cabinet is PERFECT for taking pictures of myself with the timer on. I took a bunch, trying to convey different emotions. It turns out, as we have discovered during "Pose like you are..." sessions, that I don't do some emotions well.

Here you have me "introspective"

and that befits the topic of this blog post - you like group A, really enjoy hanging out with them, and you like group B the same way. Why does it never really work out to bring them together? It makes me question how I could befriend groups of people that are so different. Am I different with the two groups?

I have noticed this throughout my life, but it doesn't stop me from trying to bring these groups together on a regular basis, typically to a less than fun conclusion.

I am also coming to realize that R is sometimes more right about human interactions than I give him credit for. In prep for a party he asked who was coming, and when given the people, he shook his head in his calm way saying, "you can't have two different groups of people come... that never works"

I sort of dislike it when he is right. I prefer to be right, even when he won't admit it.

1 comment:

Sleep late... dream more. said...

What about this: Have you looked at how *big* your A+B scenarios are?

I agree that there are some times when A+B=A Very Bad Idea.

But I find that I can successfully mix A+B in either very small, or very large quantities.... seems to me it's a case where if the group is small enough, neither "side" can fall back into their comfortable routines/personas and are forced to be semi-social... and if it's big enough neither "side" needs to deal with each other if they don't want to... and I get to play social butterfly going between the two :)

It's those middle-sized gatherings that can get especially tricky/awkward.