Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 7, Tuesday - on site - corn fritters nearly got me!!!!

Breakfast – 5, Lunch – 5, Dinner – questionable… but likely under 10.

Missed Carb Opportunities:

·         Bagels in early morning meeting. I like the cinnamon crunch covered ones a lot.

·         Truffles in early afternoon meeting. Why do they keep trying to feed me here? I am seeing a trend.

Interesting things for you to know:

1)      I actually like beef jerky.

2)      Other people don’t like beef jerky.

3)      This means they won’t steal it from you.

Day Summary:

I nearly freaked out because I ate an entire corn fritter at dinner and breakfast and lunch added up to 10. I only had 10 left! But, then I realized that I didn’t have any other carbs for dinner, so maybe it was okay. We would have to calculate it out- the fritter I ate was only 1.5 inches in diameter.

Step 1 – find recipes for corn fritters and figure out the carb count for a single 1.5 in diameter fritter.


This one says serves 6, but I can’t imagine it only makes 6 fritters…

3 eggs, beaten
2 cups crushed corn
2 tbsp. milk
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tbsp. melted butter
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 1/4 c. flour, approx
Oil for deep frying


This one says it makes 1 dozen small fritters, but the first recipe seems more like the one I ate.

1 egg
1/4 c. milk
1/2 c. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 can drained corn
1/2 tsp. baking powder


I am estimating that they used the first recipe, but it makes 3 dozen small fritters. That is 6 per person and seems reasonable I guess.

Step 2 – calculate the carbs in the whole recipe = 185.2

3 eggs, beaten  - 1.5
2 cups crushed corn - 62
2 tbsp. milk – 1.4
1 tsp. baking powder – 1.3
1 tbsp. melted butter -0
1/2 tsp. salt - 0
1/2 tsp. pepper - 0
1 1/4 c. flour, approx 119
Oil for deep frying -0


Step 3 – total carbs in 1 fritter: 5.1


Step 4 – sigh with relief. Then be anxious again because that recipe can’t make 36 fritters, it doesn’t seem big enough. Augh. Well, even if it only made 18 fritters I was still very close if not under my 10 carb limit for dinner.

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