Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I am a crack addict

I am a crack addict. except that my crack is terribly expensive furnishings for my home. and the dealer that keeps me hooked is Horchow/Nieman Marcus. Based on Whitney Houston's famous Diane Sawyer interview, the correct analogy should be that I am a cocaine addict, as crack is for poor people per Whitney. (side note: What is up with Whitney Houston these days? she went into rehab, did she ever come out?)
You will remember that I bought my bed from Horchow. They seem to have taken that as proof that I am a great candidate for future sales. This sort of thing is common, it happens with all catalog sales, you buy a coat from L.L. Bean and all of a sudden you are getting 700 outdoorsey paradise catalogs.

However, Horchow has taken it a bit far. They sent two catalogs yesterday, and consistently at least 1 per week.

Most of them are different, some overlap of merchandise, but different covers and different pictures/layouts.

I cry a little each time I see all of these things that I love and don't want to spend all of my money on. I want to do other things, responsible things, with my money... but oh, it is so hard!

for instance, this blue velvet couch! look how deep, how beautiful it is. I don't even have a good place for it, and dog hair would attach to it like a magnet, and Finn drool would ruin it forever! but I don't care. I want to curl up on this couch and never, ever leave. I would devote the entire spare bedroom to this couch if I bought it. Of course I wouldn't let anyone sleep on it. but I would let them sleep on a blow up mattress placed on the floor next to it.

I love this couch.

then, why, oh why!!!! damn gods! is it 3000.00?



KittyWithClaws said...

That *is* a really pretty loveseat.

Jobonga said...

That is a lovely couch. Did you know that the very act of leafing through a catalog makes me have to poop? Because I am a bathroom reader. I think this could be called a Pavlovian response, or oversharing. I am more comfortable with putting this on your blog than mine, though it would be most appropriate on Whitney's blog. I'm sorry.

11frogs said...

I can see George very happily lounging on that couch.