Monday, May 14, 2007

I went to New York and all I brought back was...

someone else's blog post.
If you can't write anything better then just save your energy.

By the way - the fall was pretty cool. I just fell off of the chair into the railing that keeps those genteel folks eating at sidewalk cafes safe from the dangerous pedestrians. (you might even think about how I was breaking down barriers... but it is hard to claim I was doing something political after 2 pitchers of margaritas and 2 martinis)
anyhow, at the time I was on the phone with Todd and I remember saying to him (as I was laying on top of the barrier) "Todd, I am going to have to go now. I have fallen and people are trying to help me up"
Thus ended our conversation and I got myself upright thank you very much.
Loud was kind enough to coordinate the bill payment even though I apparently paid my share.

I did get a cold from NYC as well. Something tells me that NYC residents consume more Purel than any other city in the world. How often do you think that the subway car rails get cleaned off? disgusting, right?

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