Thursday, May 10, 2007

Challenge update - Day 4

If I am honest with myself I haven't been doing well at all.

Food - relatively low carb, but yesterday some M&Ms found their way into my mouth. I conveniently have ignored carbs in sauces such as BBQ on my chopped brisket last night and the cocktail sauce. This is super bad because it has a too many carbs. For instance McDonald's BBQ sauce has 10 carbs per container. I had at least 1 container worth last night and 2 this morning.
Cocktail sauce has about 7 per ounce. I had about one ounce last night.
Also not being counted is apparently breading. Breading is DANGEROUS. very very dangerous. an order of mozzarella sticks has 36 carbs because of that nasty breading.
I mitigate the breading issue by peeling off much of the breading. "much" being an unprecise amount.

Therefore, my counts have been pretty sketchy over the past four days.

The other component of weight loss, exercise, has been well... not there. I didn't even do my morning sit-ups. my ankles have still hurt from Crazylegs, so I have used that as an excuse.
guess sit-ups don't require your ankles, huh?

The bad news is that I haven't made great progress in the last four days.
The good news is that I didn't do an initial weigh in yet, so my numbers will not be skewed by not including early loss numbers. :)

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