Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Farmers Market - A spring highlight

A new treasure at the Farmers Market in the spring - plants and bulbs. Of course, this is far more exciting for me now that I have a yard to plant them in.
This year I got the following:
  • Dalia - this is very exciting plant for me because I first heard about it in a book - you should read this book, very funny, Travels with my Aunt by Graham Greene. Greene described it as the only book he ever wrote for fun. The stuffy nephew raises dalias (dotes on them).
  • Gladiolas - they were 13 for some quantity of money, so I bought 26. Then I realized that they need full sun. humph. This is a bit of an issue as I don't have much full sun to be had in my yard. Privacy yes, but those trees and bushes do a great job of blocking sunlight.
    I had to spend at least 6 hours ripping out some evergreen bushes and prepping a bed to put the bulbs into.
    Oh, and did I tell you that they have to be dug up each fall and replanted in the spring… augh.
  • Shade plants - I have shade. These guys should cover some of that currently boring area. These include a big very cool looking coleus, an oxalis, and something else…
  • Tomatoes - yes, I lack sunshine. Tomatoes require sunshine. That is okay. I bought a patio type and some large pots. I moved the pots to the middle (smack dab) of the backyard. I fertilize a lot. I have been rewarded, I have three vigorous plants that are going to be big producers. - oh yeah, I also nearly killed all three of them before they had been planted when I was out for over a week and they didn't get enough water. So this is also about their desire to live and thrive.

Can't wait to see what the summer season at the market brings me.

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