Sunday, June 24, 2007

Drunken innuendo, never as sly as you think

Yesterday was much better with the cold. I got to do all the things that I wanted to do. Except the FM, but since I am traveling again next week I can't really buy fresh produce. However, last night at the Finnish shindig there might have been beer and mead drinking. Yeah, mead.
Anyhow, this morning the cold resurfaces. I am beating it back with multivitamins and strawberries.
In an attempt to not mow my lawn, I am watching a movie, Looking for Kitty (, I haven't decided whether the movie is good or not, but something that just happened made me laugh.
So the main character, Abe, is a man whose wife just ran away, and he seems to be in NYC on some sort of conference, but secretly he is working with a private investigator to find his wife. Anyhow, Abe runs into a coworker, Rachel Dratch (formerly of SNL) in his hotel's lobby on his way in from his first "international" food ever, Chinese. Anyhow Rachel is a bit toasted from the mini bar on her way out to a company dinner and she blathers on to Abe including many thinly veiled references to wanting him. Including "room service", should she call him when she gets back in, something about seeing him without his shirt on, etc. It was sort of painful in that I have done this. I know probably all of my girlfriends have done it. In fact, my first thought was oh, she is going to have to relay this encounter to her friends in the morning, and it is going to be painful.
I know what the problem is - when you are drunker than the person you are hitting on it is likely that you are going to make a fool of yourself.
But how to prevent? other than just not ever getting drunker than anyone you are going to hit on, which I find impossible. what to do?

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loud said...
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