Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I got tagged by Jobonga.

6 random things about me:
1) when I drop something plastic I say, out loud, "thank god for plastics" - I don't know why.
2) more than 15 minutes of my day is spent thinking about caffeine acquisition. that is just the thinking time.
3) I have thought about becoming a combination spoken word/stand up comedian - I would just tell stories.
4) I go lengthy stretches of time wanting to eat only one kind of food - cinnamon pop tarts, scrambled eggs, spaghettios at room temperature, and spaghetti are some examples from my past.
5) my brain seems to be wired wrong for the colors/words Green and Orange. When I see orange I know what color it is, but green will pop out of my mouth. it primarily happens in that direction, but it has happened with me calling green orange.
6) I can't understand Young Earth Creationists. the link is just one example, there are plenty of others. I can understand pro-life arguments, even though I am strongly opposed. I can understand the belief in God, even though I am an atheist. But, for some reason, (that reason likely being that it is illogical and yet tries to position itself in the field of logical science therefore exposes itself so quickly as illogical), I can't understand what they are thinking.


loud said...

Yeah, their arguements is always "well, we can show that this isn't true thus creationism is because God says it happened." They spend so much time saying that what science says is not logical, but don't see that their same arguement is also not logical. I don't get it either...

Fuddington said...

In the 70's they had a tv commercial where a guy is in the shower. A shampoo bottle slips out of his hand, then falls in super slo-mo. It lands between his feet and (gasp) bounces without breaking. The voice-over comes in with "thank god for plastics."

The Mad Men have a long reach indeed...