Wednesday, April 2, 2008

a hug

I haven’t been going to my own blog very often lately. I even post directly from my email. Something to do with the bad mood and the transition from winter to spring I think.

Anyhow, I just caught up on comments. Someone I don’t know left me a comment (which I adore!!!) and they ended it with the conclusion: a hug.


At first, I was taken aback. A hug? Really? I don’t know you. In person I am not a hugger. A girl just told me in the parking garage at work that her boyfriend proposed this past weekend, I squealed and hugged her. I have to tell you, I felt I was just playing the part. I don’t really like to hug people.

But, now in retrospect, I am very pleased with the concluding statement: a hug. Even from a stranger. Perhaps it is easier for me in written communication than in person.

A hug,





11frogs said...

Electronic hugs are even better when enclosed in clever punctuation so as to indicate an especially tight hug or multiple hugs, like {{HUGS}}, or ~hugs~.

I wonder what punctuation is used to indicate one of those post-datelike-but-not-a-date-extra-long-from-guys-who-are-friends-but-should-actually-be-kissing-you-but-aren't-for-some-godawful-idiotic-reason hugs? Not that I've ever had a hug (or dozen) like that before.

Alex said...

Hugs are great!