Thursday, September 27, 2007

delayed gratification

Did I ever tell you that I picked a color palate for my house? My house is white with black accents, and this past spring I really pondered: what colors for the flowers in the hanging baskets? I picked purple and white. Turns out that my hanging baskets were primarily green, so that didn't matter much. There are a few annuals in white that got planted near the walkway that were extra leftovers from the baskets, but they turned out the best (go figure).

I was at Farm and Fleet (probably one of my shopping trips to buy canning supplies) and the bulb display caught my eye. I admit, I have a weakness for plants in general, and planting something now and having it come up early in the spring (when desperation for green stuff is at it's highest) without any intervention from me? That is beyond alluring.

In true Lucia style I bought too much, but all in purple. A container of Anemone, a container of Grape Hyacinth, a container of Crocus and then three containers of mixed Purple Tulips. Digging a hole that varies from 4-8in deep that can contain all of these bulbs with a distance of 2-4in between them seems totally doable in the store.
But, then when I try to dig a hole with the shovel, all of a sudden this idea sucks. A lot.
But, I got them all in. Some in a possibly too shady spot in the backyard… some crammed in too close together... some not at the right depth...

I would post a picture, but honestly, it just looks like turned earth right now. Boring!

So, here are pictures of what I am expecting in the spring:


Sleep late... dream more. said...

I sympathize with the pain that is planting bulbs in the fall... but it's totally worth it come spring!!! :) Can't wait to see yours!

(PS - I have a really nifty way of planting bulbs that reduces effort by half or more and I"m happy to show you.... if you are planning on planting any more, that is.)

KittyWithClaws said...

I miss my daily dose of Lucia!!