Friday, September 14, 2007

an accomplishment a day

I have a goal - one accomplishment a day. Perhaps this is very low, but you know what? set your standards/goals low and leap over them easily! that is my motto.

anyhow, this week I am in Madison! not in Dayton! yeaaa. I have used this opportunity to overbook myself with activities. Particularly, I am very anxious about tomorrow as I have at least 15 hours worth of things to do, and I doubt I will want to do them all straight through.

So, what did I accomplish this week?
Sunday - took nap, worked, watched football, got to bed early.
Monday - I prepped for this big awards show I put on at work. Then I slept.
Tuesday - I put on the awards show. I bought spring bulbs and quarterround at Menards, planted some of the bulbs, cleaned my kitchen and got to bed early.
(notice how getting to bed early seems like I consider it an accomplishment. I do)
Wednesday - installed quarterround in bedroom (it is now ready for the bed to be delivered - in a sad turn of events, the delivery was delayed to Sunday, Monday or Tuesday), and removed from my home some of the roving bands of dog hair dust bunnies.
Thursday - spent all afternoon working on my application certification to move to my new team. I sort of locked my self into having it done by 9-24, soooo I need to get it done... - then I went to a big party where our group of friends presented our 4 year bags (a presentation about the person and a bunch of stuff for the person). The accomplishment here was that I brought smoothie makings (which were a big hit) and I did my presentation on David.
Friday - tonight I am hosting a craft night at Jen's house. going to try to keep it brief. I also need to get some apples, cram them into my crockpot and try to make apple butter so we can can on Sunday...

side note on applebutter making-
1) this takes a very long time to cook. I didn't really plan for this.
2) I explored some other options like pie filling, but then you have to do some sort of ascorbic acid thing to keep them from turning colors. If I am at the store and ascorbic acid is there I will get it, but I am not hunting this stuff down.
3) you need a food mill. This is a thing I had never even heard of. Some sort of mushing/grinding device. I am on the fence about getting one. Wintergypsy has one (of course she has one, she has one of everything! )and so perhaps we will just borrow hers.

1 comment:

Mouse said...

so how long does apple butter making take?? it would be an undertaking I'd be interested in...