Wednesday, May 28, 2008

odd phenomenon

In a work meeting right now. Two girls with engagement looking rings on their right hand ring fingers.


Possible reasons:

1)       Left hand ring fingers both happen to be tired.

2)      Both ladies angrily not engaged any more but refused to return ring and wear it as a sign of their anger.

3)      High set solitaires are no longer only appropriate for engagement rings.



Just Me said...

May be they just want to flash bling and don't care which hand the bling is on.

Mouse said...

A lot of people I know who are in civil unions/same sex marriages wear their rings on the right hand instead of the left...

Sleep late... dream more. said...

Maybe they are European?
(Or wanna-be-european?)

Europeans put marriage rings on the right hand because the left hadn is considered the "sinister" hand and is associated with witchcraft and other such stuff... meanwhile americans put the wedding rings on the left hand because the left hand is *physically* closer to your heart & is therefore deemed a better symbol of all that goes in to a marriage... blah blah blah.... oh the random things I remember....

PS - I wish you would post more. I miss your posts.