Thursday, June 19, 2008

I doubt nutritional value in white things

I had cauliflower on my salad today. I stopped to think about it and I just don't believe there is much goodness packed into cauliflower. You can't make nutrients white. This is ridiculous, but I can't help this gut reaction.

they are lying to us about the value of cauliflower.


wb said...

I totally agree. Other things I consider non-nutritional because of their lack of color: Wonder Bread, rice noodles, white mushrooms, baby corn, water chestnuts.

Sleep late... dream more. said... least cauliflower has fiber galore - right? the others in WB's list - not so much.

11frogs said...

Like any other brassica (broccoli, cabbage, kale, collards, etc.), cauliflower is super good for you - phytochemicals to fight cancer, lotsa vitamins, etc., etc. Eat up.