Tuesday, March 25, 2008

taking pictures of people - hard to capture ugly ass pants and thong at work

It is hard to make it casual and unapparent that you are taking a picture of someone in a poor outfit choice. Particularly at work. Like this morning – I was in a business meeting and a girl was giving the presentation:

She was wearing a cheap acrylic boucle’ cropped sweater in chocolate brown and then white sweatpant material pants (the top of these was like those yoga pants (wide band) and the bottoms were hemmed straight legs), clearly with a thong, and then heavy, ugly, cheap, brown shoes.  – overall these pants were the aberration to her outfit. They were 1) inappropriate to the season, being clearly summer pants 2) inappropriate in a business meeting, being sweatpant material 3) incongruous with the rest of the outfit, being all cheap, heavy, ugly and brown.


To top this horrible outfit off, in the 15 minutes she talked, she used “umm” 37 times. I kept a tally in my notebook. I would like to pull her aside tonight and give her this “feedback”. I know that this wouldn’t be taken well – when is “feedback” ever taken well? – and I want to do it only out of malice for her ugly ass pants.

Should I?



loud said...

Do you really think you should? Best option is to ask what the pants are made of and try to make some not-obvious comment about wearing sweatpants to work.

Alex said...

Get a Blackberry or another candy bar-type phone. You can make it look as if your checking your messages as you click pics away... Just tell them to not mind the flash, and that you'll edit out the red-eye.

KittyWithClaws said...

If she isn't your subordinate at the company you work at, I'd leave it alone.......because you KNOW it won't go well :P