Wednesday, March 12, 2008

in a bad mood

for the past day or so I have been in a bad mood.
Contributing factors:
1) it was my 6th week in a row traveling and my 9th week traveling this year. (note, we have only had 11 weeks this year)
2) I discovered my crush from afar is gay.
3) For some reason I am feeling unfunny and uncharming. This can either be because I am in a bad mood or a cause of the bad mood, I don't know.
4) some less than competant people at work have been making more work for me. I can't figure out how to mentor them into competant. This makes me feel incompetant.
5) the IRS sent me a mysterious letter that just says I owe them (no amount or reference information) and that unless I call within 5 days of receipt (post marked 2-29, so I am already screwed) they will garnish my wages. I am utterly confused and I hate this sort of stuff.
6) I spent 45 minutes on the phone today trying to get through to said IRS, but no luck. I still don't know what is wrong. I don't owe any money.... gnnnrr.

Okay, we established I am in a bad mood, what can be done to remove said bad mood?
What I would normally do:
1) hang out with friends, complain and laugh hysterically
- this is complicated by numbers 1 and 3. I am out of town and I feel unfun. This means I am too tired, too far away and reluctant to actually do anything.
2) buy something
- I don't seem to want to. And number 5 is freaking me out about money.
3) do my favorite Saturday activity to perk me up - take dogs hiking for a long time, and then get coffee at my favorite yarn store.
- the issue here is that there is still soooo much ice covered snow on the ground in Madison that hiking is sort of out. I tried last weekend and I slipped all over the place. I ended up having to slowly move along and one dog pulled something in his leg on the ice. I like to work up a good head on the trail, so it doesn't sound like fun to try to skate along.

So, my question to you is, what do you do to get yourself out of a bad mood?


wb said...

I got to Iowa.

11frogs said...

1. Look at pictures of llamas or baby nephews.
2. Clean something.
3. Nap/hibernate/avoid people until I'm feeling perky again.

loud said...

Call Lucia, go to a bar, drink too much, meet Ralphie.

Thomas said...

dancing midgets.

Sleep late... dream more. said...

I recommend getting outside and in the sunlight --- most notably this includes getting the f*** away from any buildings even remotely associated with any form of work.

Or major makeovers. My standard immediate gratification fix for the "mid-winter blahs" is "go get your hair cut!" ... this year was a little more serious in that I also got.... a whole lotta new makeup... new glasses... and 4 pairs of new pants to complete the "change"... but hey.... it's fun!

also... I like tommy's suggestion. My brother would whole-heartedly agree that dancing midgets can fix anything :)

Sleep late... dream more. said...

also... snowboarding is good because I have to be in the moment or else I fall.

and finally... playing with fire, paint, or toxic checmicals on some art project or other helps, too. (nice, productive, time-warping solitary activity that leaves no room for thinking/worrying/pondering anythign else)