Monday, April 30, 2007

Sexy Men

You know the ones I am talking about, you stand near them and you get all jittery inside. They touch you and your eyes lose focus. They are the sexy men.

I suspect that this is all chemical and that phermones are to blame. I also suspect that I have significantly different pheremone receptors than others because often the men that make me nearly faint with orgasm aren't attractive to anyone else.

I have to go on a trip with one today. I almost don't like being near him it is so intense. except I like being near him an awful lot. And I hate when I have to work with him. I am so distracted all the time. Is this what men have to deal with? Every 30 seconds picturing bending some woman they work with over the conference table? If what I think about when I am with this guy is what men think about every day then I am glad I am not a man. I wouldn't have done very well in the business world at all.

Irony is that I wouldn't date this guy, heck I don't even want to be friends with him. He has called me for booty calls and I have turned him down.

1 comment:

11frogs said...

Can I please borrow some of your pheremones? Methinks mine are a tad too finicky.