Saturday, April 28, 2007

Done. And now I can enjoy it.

Sure, I'll concede there are lots of times during the training when I really enjoyed running; however, today was more about just getting it done.
And now that it is over and I finished (yeaaa me!), I am feeling good.

The worst part was being one of the VERY last runners on the course. When you can see them taking down the cones and radioing in that they can see the last runner, you start getting a bit anxious.

But, running into the football stadium and on to the field to the finish line, that did rock. Setting my foot up on a bar so someone else could cut off the chip that timed me, fabulous as well. Then I found my friends, ate an orange slice and drank some water. all good too.
I will admit though, the best part was walking back (felt so good!) and having breakfast prepared by the group's non-runners. That was delicious.

You know is a great topper to that great morning of accomplishment? An afternoon nap and then a night out on the town. the fact that there is a certain boy who might be calling me tonight is good too.

a good day!


loud said...

Ooh! Did he call? Did he call? I'm dying to hear stories...

11frogs said...

YEEHAW! Congrats on the first race (of many, I hope). And, oh, how stupid, stupid, stupid are the men who flake out on a booty call. Unbelievable. I have yet to meet one of these rare creatures personally, but I seriously didn't know this breed existed in the wild until the happenings of the last few months. Goes against all things logical and natural, frankly.