Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bad mood at work

how I can tell I am in a bad mood at work:
1) typing becomes erratic
2) Backspace becomes REALLY REALLY angry
3) slamming hands on desk after reading an email
4) realizing I have been furrowing my brow for an hour and it won't unfurrow.
5) making angry snarky comments in documents
6) talking to myself in the bathroom "I just don't understand why she sent me that crap document, I mean jeez, I ask for a project plan list and I get this stupid list of questions, wouldn't a normal human being realize that you should put it into a freakin document and include all the steps to figure this out...."
7) emails sent with only the subject line
To: so and so
Subject: Are you going to set up that prep meeting or are you waiting for me to do it?
Body: except for email signature.
8) start deleting tasks even though they really aren't done


loud said...

I think we are having the same day.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I agree - we must have the same brow furrow wrinkle!