Friday, December 19, 2008

30 for 30 - please validate my list

by my count I am at 24, and the following people haven't done one with me yet: Aunt Geri, Sarah, and Tommy.

I have three events between now and the end of the year, so that will bring me up to 27 and my Aunt Geri will be at one of them.

I am proposing a remote shotgun event - it would go something like this - Sarah and I call each other, each with a Miller Lite and someone to take a picture of us. We then shotgun simultaneously and scream at each other on the phone afterwards.
repeat with Tommy (although I think he might be somewhere in the greater Madison area - I should really call him)

that means I need one more.... ideas?


wb said...

I feel much better now that you've updated this list. Two hours ago I was sure you'd never make it.

fun at 50 said...

Leigha, Aunt Geri has stated that she will be happy to join in the shot gun a beer 30 for 30 but she will not shot gun beer, you will have to come up with another beverage that Aunt Geri will drink to shot gun. Looking forward to getting together over christmas.

loud said...

4th of july at my house

Alex said...

Count in a shotgun in New England. We should do a group Google Video Chat!