Tuesday, November 4, 2008

saucy and sarcastic, but not so needy

I can just barely keep up with reading blogs when a new one pops up like once a week. This guy on the other hand writes big long (and well thought through) posts at a manic pace. I admit, I fall behind.
however, I wanted to add to his list of actors that we don't like in this post.

mine is Renee Zellwiger (or however you spell it - I don't care enough to look it up)
I don't like her. I will actively avoid things with her in them.

It started well before Bridget Jones, but it really came to head at that point. I loved that book. I am saucy and sarcastic and yet not that fragile (I probably am) and it made me feel like I had a hero who I was better than. - Renee ruined it for me.

side note - I hate movies made from books I have read. with the exception of Breakfast at Tiffany's (where the book and movie diverge so significantly they really aren't the same) I think that all those movies should be burned. I HATE it when I talk about a book and someone says, oh yeah I saw that movie. I then ask, did you read the book? they answer no, but the movie sounds just like that - yes I am sure you did see the movie, but I now think less of you. (I realize this is judgey of me. and I am trying to stop being so judgey. but I can't help it. I am a snob)

This morning - my theme song is Taking the Long Way by the Dixie Chicks.

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