Tuesday, September 30, 2008


1) my office mate is funny. but mostly to himself. I spend a great deal of time laughing at him laughing at himself. this makes me laugh.
2) I have a meeting I don't want to prepare for. it is at 2pm. it is currently 130. I should be preparing. I HATE it when people are unprepared for meetings. It makes me want to kick them in the mouth.
I am thinking I need that vacation more than I thought.
3) I am pretty behind in the 30 for 30 thing, except that I was keeping track by composing email blog posts. I might have missed some. please review and let me know if I missed one.
4) feels like there are some key folks that haven't actually shotgunned a beer with me yet (or given it a try) - I would like to call out my brother and Sara (of Lucia y Sara fame) here. and I think I would like to see my aunt Geri try. - anyone else been missed?
5) I hope no one kicks me in the mouth in my next meeting. jesus, I should just stop this post and finish preparing.


fun at 50 said...

Well Lucia, since your aunt geri has not had a beer since she was about 5 or 6, and really do not like the taste of it. How 'bout I shot gun a margaritta with you?
When ever you are ready I am.

wb said...

Um, remember that night when we thought we were going to dominate the Flip Cup tournament? And then Brad ruined it for us? And then you embarrassed that kid by wrecking him in shot-gunning a beer? I do.

loud said...

You missed J&D's WI recption. We did one behind the hotel.

You also missed 4th of July on my new patio.

Sara said...

I deserve to be called out. I will work on it and document it-- on or before Halloween. But if you want to be a witness, you'll have to come visit me.