Friday, March 27, 2009


I have taken to keeping a graph in my office of my happiness/rage status throughout the week.
this graph is nice, but it also shows me that I have some serious fluctuations in emotion throughout the work day.
one day:
starts high in happiness because I have a plan for the day, some open time to get stuff done
swift decent to fury as I read an email from a buffoon who asks a stupid question
rise back up to elation as I create a fabulous spreadsheet
smiles and happiness as I talk to my favorite customer and she does everything I suggest
rage when I re-read that email above
frustration with myself for not sending that email to another location and having too many emails in my inbox and never getting them done
anger that it is now the end of the day and I have three things that I didn't get done
some happiness that I say screw it and just leave work.

PS - I had a wacky dream last night... I dreamt that I was talking to Bea Arthur (right... like why her???) and she said, I lost all of my money. I only have 150 dollars left to my name, and that is just enough to go to Patrick Henry's.
I didn't know what Patrick Henry's was. But then I found out (in the dream) that it was a euthanasia hospital where they killed you with lethal injection (and then I spotted someone being brain scrambled through their nose, that wasn't really consistent with the lethal injection, so I was confused when I woke up about that) and then you had also bought a coffin. I remember seeing a sign with the prices - Euthanasia - 80.00, Coffin 50.00

thoughts on this:
1) Bea Arthur?
2) why did my brain name the hospital for a Revolutionary War hero?
3) no taxes at the euthanasia hospital
4) so, perhaps you can order off the menu and get a lobotomy at Patrick Henry's Euthansia Hospital?

am I insane?

Friday, March 20, 2009

oh! another happily just walked into the room!

Yeaaaa for Workstation Steve!


He smiles at me a lot and makes me feel squishy inside.

If we ever end up in a bar intoxicated together I can’t be responsible for what happens.

you missed this game

Everyone’s favorite boring meeting game – who would you sleep with?



Total in room: 7

Would: 5

Happily: 2


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I haven't seen Whitney in a long time

I haven't seen Whitney in a long time. I realized this when I saw today's lunch menu and thought of him.
I had the Philadelphia pepper pot soup today and it was delicious. not terribly spicy, but complex. just as I expected.